IT IS A VIOLATION PUNISHABLE UNDER LAW FOR ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE TO PRESENT ANY WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF AGE WHICH IS FALSE, FRAUDULENT OR NOT ACTUALLY HIS/HER OWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. They are eaten fresh without removing the skin. Crisp and bursting with juice, rose apples are the perfect thirst quencher when youre coming in from an intense workout, and a bit different than you might expect. The crispy rose apple fruits smell and taste like rose water.
Wines and spirits are sold by KSSWINE LLC, d/b/a Parcelle Wines, License #1302013, 509-511 W38TH ST, NY, NY 10018.Your credit card will be charged separately for wine and liquor under "Parecell Wines LLC".Parcelle Wines LLC, and Baldor Transportation LLC are separate companies.It is also called Water Apple and Bell Fruit. Botanically, it belongs to the Myrtaceae family and genus Syzygium. Restocking charges of 15% of your order may also apply. Watery Rose Apple with its scientific name Syzygium aqueum, is an tropical, evergreen and low growing small tree. The evergreen leaves are opposite, lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, tapering to a point 4 to 9 in (10-22 cm) long, and from 1 to.

If proper identification is not available at the time of delivery, your delivery will be refused and you will be charged a delivery attempt fee of $5.95. The rose apple tree may be merely a shrub but is generally a tree reaching 25 or even 40 ft (7.5-12 m) in height, and has a dense crown of slender, wide-spreading branches, often the overall width exceeding the height.

The person receiving the delivery must present proper age verification and will be required to sign. You must be 21 years of age to order wine or liquor.

Purchases from Parcelle Wine are subject to the following terms and conditions: We are certain that you’ll find this collection to fit any occasion you may have. Our selection of wines are curated by Parcelle Wines in New York City. Wine and Liquor - Provided by Parcelle Wine.