The full link to the exact page should be included. III- Articles in a Newspaper or Popular Magazine N. London: Sage, The corresponding bibliographical entry: - Weinstein, Joshua I. The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. The corresponding bibliographical entry: - Michael Gibbons et al. New York: Penguin, For books by three or more authors, in the note, list only the first author, followed by et al. The corresponding bibliographical entry: - Pollan, Michael. In quotes immediately following the reference: Ibid. In quotes not immediately following the reference: Pollan, p. Omran does not make payments for manuscripts published in the journal, and all authors and researchers are exempt from publication fees. The editorial board of Omran fully respects intellectual property when translating and publishing an article published in a foreign journal, and will seek the right to translate and publish any work from the copyright holder before proceeding to do so. The articles may not be published elsewhere fully or partially, in Arabic or in another language without an explicit written authorization from the ACRPS. Intellectual property and copyright: The ACRPS retains copyright to all articles published in its peer reviewed journals. Impartiality: The editors and the reviewers evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual and academic merit, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs or political views of the authors.Ĭonflicts of interest: Editors and peer reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which there is a conflict of interests resulting from competitive, collaborative or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.Ĭonfidentiality: Unpublished data obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and cannot be used for personal research. In cases where the editors of Omran reject a manuscript, the author will be informed of the reasons for doing so. The editors of Omran are committed to notifying the authors of all submitted pieces of the acceptance or otherwise of their manuscripts for publication. Information or ideas obtained in the course of the reviewing and editing processes and must be treated in confidence and must never be used for personal financial or other gain. Disclosure: With the exception of the editor in charge of the editing process normally the Editor-in-Chief or designated deputies, neither the editors, nor the peer reviewers, are allowed to discuss the manuscript with third parties, including the author. Omran adopts a well-defined internal organization with clear duties and obligations to be fulfilled by the editorial board. Omran relies on a network of experienced, pre-selected peer reviewers who are current in their respective fields.

In where two reviewers cannot agree on the value of a specific manuscript, a third peer reviewer will be selected.
The peer review process is anonymized, with editors selecting referees for specific manuscripts based on a set of pre-determined, professional criteria. The editorial board of Omran upholds the confidentiality and the objectivity the peer review process. Keywords: Social Movements, Protests, Public Sphere, Mobilization and Resources. The report refers to the methodologies included in the theoretical contributions that approached manifestations of protest by means of description, history, statistics, comparisons, and interviews with participants. This in spite of the numerous common factors and environments, which manifested in different forms and diverse protest behaviors in the streets, public squares and institutions across the Arab region. London: Theoretically, the event dealt with the leading conceptual problems addressed the development of sociological approaches and entailed a review of models of social movements and manifestations of protest in a number of Arab countries, with their different dynamics.Īccording to many of the papers presented, the impetus for protest was not limited to political mobilization but was often due to the extremely varied social contexts of each country. London: Hodder and Stoughton, Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Bonn: Horlemann Verlag, A British Actor in the Bedouin Stage: Globb in Jordan - A Soldier with the Arabs. Das Geschlecht des Kapitalismus: Feministische Theorie und die postmoderne Metamorphose des Patriarchats. Posts navigationįrankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch, Scholz, Roswitha. Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour.